Issue Solved - Shearwater Desktop & Windows 10 Creator’s Update

Issue Solved - Shearwater Desktop & Windows 10 Creator’s Update

The issue described below has been solved. Please go the downloads page and install the latest version of Shearwater Desktop. If, after doing this, you still have problems connecting, it might be a hardware conflict related to a built in bluetooth in your computer. A common fix is to disable the built in bluetooth through Windows Device Manager and then use the Shearwater supplied bluetooth dongle to connect. If you are unsure of how to safely disable the built in bluetooth driver, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will help you out.

We have identified an issue with Windows 10 Creator’s Update that prevents Shearwater Desktop from connecting to Perdix AI and some Perdix computers.

It’s been confirmed by Microsoft that the latest update has caused some issues with Bluetooth. If you would like additional information, this article provides more context.

We are investigating solutions to this issue which may require a Windows update, and we will post an update as soon as we can. In the mean-time, please check out our Shearwater Cloud App, available for Android and iPhone. It is capable of downloading dive logs, updating firmware, and syncing your dives to your other mobile devices.

You can find out if you have this update by doing the following:

  1. Go to your Start Menu on your PC and type winver. Click on the icon with the same name
  2. You will see a window like this:

Look at the Version Number. If you have version 1703 , you have the Windows 10 Creators Update that is known to have issues.

For further information, please contact us.